Sunday, May 8, 2011

BSBC Nights 4 & 5

Tonight we are starting night 6 of baby sleep boot camp. This is my recap of nights 4 & 5 as the title says. It has been 2 amazing nights. I can't believe how great they have been but I keep telling myself that they were just flukes because I don't want to get my hopes up. So here is how they have gone.

Night 4:
Friday was a busy day and we spent most of it outside. Eli hadn't napped well again which made him a very tired boy. We were out watching Dan play softball until 7:30 which is bedtime so of course he fell asleep on the way home. Dan and I let him sleep in the car for awhile in the driveway with the windows open so that we could get some work done in the front yard. Finally at 8:20 I woke him up to get him ready for bed and down for the night. He was asleep by 8:30pm. At 11:oo he woke up and was not happy. I ended up feeding him at 11:30 which was earlier than I would of liked to but he was one extremely angry boy. After this Eli slept until 7:45am! That is OVER 8 hours!! I couldn't believe it. I woke up at 6 in a mild panic and had to go check to make sure he was still breathing. A mother always worries. I really couldn't believe that he had been asleep that long.

Night 5:
Saturday was a good day spending most of it outside again. I really think the fresh air helps Eli sleep. He had taken a late nap so when we tried to put him to bed at 7:45 he just sat in his crib and talked. Then he started to scream. I went in and checked on him a few times and it was apparent that he was not tired and ready for bed so we let him come out and play for a little bit. At 8:40 he was finally showing signs that he was sleepy so I nursed him again and put him in his bed. I went to bed a couple hours later and woke up in another mild panic at 5:10, yes that is 8.5 hours! I went to check on him again like a neurotic mother and accidently woke him up when opening his door. So I nursed him and he went back to sleep until 8am.

Dan and I haven't slept in until nearly 8 in months. It felt amazing. I am praying that its going to stay this way but still telling myself he is just random because I don't want to get my hopes up. Right now its 12:20am and he has been in bed since 8 so we are still over his 4 hour mark that I have set for this week so that is a great sign. I am off to bed and praying we sleep until 8 again.

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