Friday, May 6, 2011

BSBC Night 3

It seems like nights are getting better. Eli didn't go to bed well last night but I was expecting that. He didn't get his afternoon nap making him overtired. This usually leads to a complete meltdown at bedtime. He had his expected meltdown as soon as I took him out of the bathtub. Of course as soon as he was able to nurse he calmed down. This is just one of the many benefits of nursing, you can calm your child right down, but that's another post for another day. Unfortunately because he was so tired Eli fell asleep after about 10 seconds of nursing. I snuggled with him for a little bit because I love it and it's the only time he will snuggle. Then put him down in his bed. He wok up and was very angry with me. Because he had been extremely hungry but didn't eat anything he woke up and realized he was still starving. I did something I never do, I took him back out of his crib and fed him some more. I usually don't do this but I knew he was hungry and was not going to deny my hungry baby his milk. This time I focused on keeping him awake so he would eat. He did nurse well and I put him back in his crib awake at 8pm. I didn't hear another peep from him until 12:30am. That was 4.5 hours. After letting him fuss for a few minutes and knowing he wasn't going back to sleep I went in and nursed him. He went right back down. He did wake up crying at 4:15am. I just fed him in my sleep deprived state I didn't even look at the clock. This really gets me in trouble. I need to pay attention to the clock or we will end up right back where we were. The good thing is that it was only 15 minutes early and tonight I will take special care in watching the clock and making sure we wait at least 4 hours. Eli then woke up at 7:40am for the day. I really think we are making progress!

I do want to note that I am not usually a by the clock feeder. During the day Eli nurses whenever he wants. This is usually every 2-3 hours. He does however go 4 hours on occasion. However, I feel like continuing to feed on demand all night is going to leave use even more sleep deprived than we already are.

Today I leave you with a new photo of my sweet little man that I took this morning, while typing this post. We will be back tomorrow to let you know how tonight went.

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