Tuesday, October 25, 2011

40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge

This is a challenge that I found on Pinterest. It was originally meant for the 40 days of Lent however, we are hosting a big family Christmas party in mid December and thought it would be great to purge 40 bags of crap from our house. I am planning to officially start the challenge on November 1, 2011. I am hoping I will be able to get a button and stuff set up so that if you wish to join the challenge you can link your posts on your own blog to this. The bags can be any size. For me it depends on the size of the space. Cleaning out Eli's toy box may only take 1 plastic grocery bag while cleaning out the bathroom closet could take a huge trash bag. Either way it's getting rid of junk that you no longer need. Please keep in mind if it is something you think others will use to donate to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or another organization or individual who could use the item. My next post, before the challenge starts will be to post my list of 40 spaces to clean out. If I think a space needs more than one bag it will be listed on 2 days. Good luck to everyone and I hope you will join me!

Where oh Where Have I Been?

Life has been crazy and blogging has just gotten away from me. I don't even know when I blogged last but I do know it was a long time ago. Eli will be 15 months old on Friday and I still can't believe that! He is quite a challenge. He takes after his mommy in his persistence and stubborn attitude. This leads to many many face off's between Eli and I on a daily basis. It is a constant battle of the wills and who will give in first. Right now the score is about 50/50. I have a few personal posts to do as well as a few challenges. I am planning on posting about sleep in our house! Eli still is not sleeping all night and we are up at least 2 times a night. Also, I will be posting my views on what it is like to be nursing a toddler almost exclusively. That leads me to my last post about having a toddler with an Oral Sensory Disorder that is causing him to not eat most foods. We are starting to work on this at home and again with his strong will this is a daily battle. I am going to also be starting a 40 day challenge which is going to force me to blog daily. If I could figure out how to allow others to sign up and link their blogs of the challenge I will also be doing that. I am going to see if Dan will help me with that later this week. Lastly, I hope to put up some reviews for different cloth diapers that we have used on our big boy. When I was looking for reviews on what diapers work best for large babies and toddlers I couldn't find anything so I feel it is necessary to give my opinion on what we have tried.