Sunday, January 22, 2012

21 Day Challenge

I have decided to join and 21 day challenge at A Bowl Full of Lemons to try and get my house organized in a way that I am able to keep up with. I have adapted it a bit. There are 21 challenges to do one a day. I will not be doing them in order as I am starting with the most desperate areas of my own home. Some areas like my bathroom closet need attention immediately where our computer desk really doesn't have much clutter on it. I am going to be putting the challenge up on my sidebar and crossing off the items as they get done. I am going to try to take before and after photos of each space and make a post about them. I started today and forgot to take a before photo but will write a post soon with an after photo along with a photo of all the junk I threw in the trash. If you want to join me feel free to link up at A Bowl Full of Lemons.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sleep, Oh How I Miss You

We are still battling sleep in our house. It seems to get better for a bit when we try something new then progressively gets worse over time. Last night I was up for 3 hours with a toddler who just wanted to play. He is almost 18 months old now and has only slept through the night a couple times in his life. So tonight we start working on getting E to sleep through the night yet again. I am so tired that something has to be done! Wish us luck. Any tips would be great!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Waist Watcher Wednesday

One of my fellow Biggest Loser Challenge participants has started Waist Watcher Wednesday on her blog. (See the button on the sidebar) I will be sharing my journey in both Wednesday and Friday/Saturday posts. Today I thought I would add to the measurements I took the other day along with adding my starting weight...

Bust: 44"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 34"
Hips: 41"
Thigh: 24"
Calf: 14"
Upper Arm: 11.5
Forearm: 9.25


Friday is a weigh in so we will see if I have managed to lose anything. I haven't been doing great on exercising so I am not expecting much.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Biggest Loser Challenge

Hello out in blogland! I have severely neglected my blog for the last year and a half. Ever since my son Eli was born I have not been good about updating. However, I am going to be using my blog to help keep me accountable during a Biggest Looser Challenge that I have joined. I have joined with a few friends who have also had friends join so there are about 15 of us. We encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and can win bragging rights. The challenge officially started today with our starting weigh in. I however have a broken scale so I can not weigh in until tomorrow. But I did take measurements today. With the challenge you weigh in every Friday starting this coming Friday. I will also be taking my measurements every 4th Friday. I don't wan't to do them too close together so I don't get discouraged with no change.
So here are my measurements......
Chest: 44"
Waist: 34"
Hips: 41"
Hopefully the next time I post measurements they are smaller!