Friday, April 22, 2011

Let's Try This Again..

This post was started on April 22 but deleted and retyped on May 2, 2011.

I have been such a bad blogger lately. I feel like I should set aside a certain day and time each week so that I can write and let all my friends out in blogland know what is going on in our life. Our days have been crazy here but we are having a lot of fun and enjoying life. Here are some updates of each of us. We will start with the cutest and most exciting member of our family:

E: Last week E turned 9 months old! I can't believe that he has now spent more time on the outside than he did inside! He is a very big boy! He just had his 9 month well child visit and weighs in at 25lbs and is 30" tall. He is in the 99th percentile for both. He has a big head too. It is in the 120th percentile! I just keep telling myself he has a lot of brains in there. E is babbling like crazy and loves to play with mom and dad. He hates playing by himself and lets you know that he wants your undivided attention by screaming. He doesn't move yet, just spins on his butt while sitting. This again leads to screaming as he sees so many things that he wants to get to but can't. He is happiest when he is given 2 fingers, one for each hand, and walked around and around and around. He could do this ALL day. E doesn't sleep well and has entered baby sleep boot camp. I will be posting on this later tonight but it needs its own post.

Lindsay: My life revolves around E. So really, there isn't much new going on with me. I just realized a few weeks ago that as of last week we have lived in our house for 1 year! I also realized that we have NOTHING on our walls. This led to a massive shopping spree at, Wal-mart, Target, ETSY, and Amazon. Our house if finally starting to look like a home.

Dan: Has been busy with work. He has been home a lot more lately which is nice. Back to just going in to the office for 2 days ever 2 weeks. It is extremely nice having him home. I look forward to him coming home so he can play with Eli and I can have a little break. Then it's my turn again as I get him to bed. Eli loves his daddy and Dan loves him but in the middle of the night Eli hates his daddy. He will cry and I will send Dan in. Eli stops crying when he hears the door open. Then he looks up and see's Dan and you would swear that he is trying to hurt him he goes nuts. He does this for anyone but me.

There's the family recap. Hope you enjoyed!